A condition, when ejaculation takes place directly before the coitus is called premature ejaculation. There is no more exact definition for this term. A lot of sexologists try to connect this dysfunction with the longevity of coitus, the amount of frictions and even with partner’s orgasm; no one is still able to give a precise definition.
Who suffers from premature ejaculation? Most of all, these are teenagers, who just start their sexual life. It deals with overstimulation and high sensibility of sexual member. It passes with getting more sexual experience, and only in very few cases it is impossible to get rid of it.
It is very rare, that mature men suffer from such dysfunction, it can be kept from the youth or obtained in the adulthood and it is often caused by a variety of reasons. All of them can be divided into two groups: physical (connected with health problems) and psychological. Talking about physical problems, they can also be divided into two groups. These are high sensibility of sexual member and chronicle vesiculitis. Let’s speak more detailed about it.
High sensibility of sexual member is one of the most common reasons of premature ejaculation. It can be innate as well as acquired. Acquired appears due to phemosis, but it is not widely spread among men. Both, innate and acquired have several features:
the longevity of the coitus is always the same and does not vary,
premature ejaculation accompanies man for the whole period of sexual life very often, coitus is longer, when using a condom.
The most effective way to get rid off this drawback is circumcision. During such kind of operation foreskin is being moved off, after it pommel is always in contact with the underwear, which decreases its sensibility. It helps to prolong the coitus. There are also another ways, such as using different special lubrications or putting on several condoms at once. It also helps to make the coitus much longer.
Erectile dysfunction is also a widely spread problem among men. Some people mistakenly call it impotence. But this is wrong. It is a problem connected with erection, which can be occasional as well as periodical. Sclerosis, high blood – pressure and diabetes are the main reasons, which call this disease. However, young men, who do not have any problems with health can suffer from problems in sexual field. It can be caused by smoking, drinking alcohol, lack of activity and poor ecology. But the most dangerous enemy is hidden in their mind. It is psychological waiting of “misfire”.
A healthy person can keep a good sexual shape till old age, but it is clear that opportunities of a pensioner differ from student’s skills. Old people need longer stimulation in order to achieve high results. But every man knows the taste of fiasco. And if such kind of defeat becomes common, it would be enough just to consult the doctor.
If after visiting the doctor you will have several unpleasant situations during a month, we can say about erectile dysfunction. In this case, it is vital to find out the main reason of the problem, so that one could pick up the right treatment. For example, if it is due to hormone malfunctions, it is necessary to take medicine, which strengthen potency, or drugs, which block producing of enzymes. In other cases, patient is recommended to make an injection of a remedy, which widens vessels.
Though it is a very effective method, not every man has courage to make an injection in a proper part of his body every time before the coitus.
Another way out is Viagra. In the majority of cases, it keeps men in “alert” for the long period of time. It is prescribed by the doctor, taking into consideration contra – indications. If it is not possible for a man to take this medicine, the problem can be solved by means of prosthesis.